Wednesday, November 29, 2017

How is your new guy or lady?

“He’s or she’s great,” she/he said, gushing with happiness. And, she/he stopped right there. She/he didn’t say, “but...” And I knew she/he has settled and found what she/he was searching for.

I personally believe that when a relationship is good (healthy) there are no buts. I’m not saying that healthy relationships are perfect. They aren’t because people have flaws. However I know that when someone is truly making you happy, you are only sharing... good news about that person and your relationship.

The things we say about our partners, partners, parents, friends, colleagues, bosses etc., says a lot about our relationships with them. Words reveal the true issues of the heart! LISTEN to yourself when you are talking to other people about your partner. Listen to the words that come out of your mouth. That says everything about whether or not the relationship is making you happy.

Experienced people can tell if your relationship is going to last or end nowhere by simply what you say.

Mega Speakers and Authors

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Retirement or pension fund

Withdrawing from your retirement or pension fund

Don’t pay your debt through your retirement or pension funds.

R10000 withdrawn today from your retirement or pension fund may look insignificant but will affect the compounded interest attached to these forms of savings. For example R10000 with a compounded interest of 10% is a lot of money after 10 years. Therefore even though R10000 looks small today, it is a growth part of it that you will lose.

Also, you will incur unnecessary tax implications due to those early withdrawals and it could negatively affect your investment growth.

Unless you have exhausted all other available options, try to leave your retirement or pension savings alone for the future.

Another tip: When you change jobs, don’t cash your retirement or pension fund from your previous job. Carry it over in totality to the next fund with the new employer. Please don’t eat your investments growths. Although it is tempting to do it, don’t do it!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Having sex is a choice

Having sex is a choice

To have sex takes a choice, thinking about it and planning. No one should blame it on a temptation. Everyone who has had sex before or who is still having sex today has thought about it, decided and planned to do so. We can’t accidentally find ourselves in someone’s arms unknowingly. It doesn’t require a miracle or magic to have sex, but thoughts, feelings and desire followed by actions.

Sometimes young people come to me feeling guilty for their sexual act saying, ‘Pastor, I made a mistake’. Unfortunately I don’t agree with that notion. Still, if I have to agree they have made a mistake, I would classify the mistake as a deliberate mistake.

It is a deliberate mistake because it was deeply thought of; the desire was nurtured and the plan made to act on it. All sexual encounters are pre-planned! That is why if we deliberately make mistakes we will have to bear the consequences.

Extract from my book called SEX PLEASURES AND PAINS

Why are sex-related sins so embarrassing?

Why are sex-related sins so embarrassing?
All sins are the same and there is no greater or smaller sin. All sins are deadly and bad. But why are sex-related sins so embarrassing? I am asking this question because often when people have committed sexual sins they opt to disappear within the thin air. For instance, two young people would impregnate each other and run away from their local church to fellowship in another church. Some would even stop to fellowship completely.

In born-again Christianity, it seems almost everybody finds it hard to even admit they are struggling in the area of sexuality, even when they truly do struggle with it. I have a reason to believe this intense embarrassment is not of a fleshly nature, but rather the workings of unclean spirits. It is very disturbing that we born-again Christians only talk about these challenges when someone is pregnant or is somehow caught and exposed. Otherwise in any other case we would prefer to hide and pretend as if every one of us doesn’t have sexual struggles.

Extracts from my book called SEX PLEASURES AND PAINS

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The book is now available at R200. To place orders, call 0798952416 or email

Sex and sexual activities

Sex was created by God and not the devil. Unfortunately sex has been so misused and perverted in the world to the extent that the impression it has left is that sex is ugly and sinful. Sex is good and godly! Although sex means different things to different people, many will agree that if it is engaged into properly, it becomes a healthy and natural activity. Sex is wonderful and something most people will enjoy and find the true meaning of love from.

We are living in times where all of us have a right of choice. That is why people are involved in sexual activities all the time as they choose. However, even if we all have the power to choose, we must bear in mind God’s initial intention with sex was that it should be part of the unique relationship of marriage. That is why the Bible speaks about sex so much. The Bible has a lot to say about sex and we cannot escape from what God has said.

The desire to be wealthier when you are wealthy is not greed

The desire to be wealthier when you are wealthy is not greed

Wealthy people possess an interest in the process of wealth creation. Instead of them being content with the wealth they currently have, they keep leaning and try to find new ways to become wealthier. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the importance of being wealthier may try to associate their hunger to accumulate more as greed. Classifying a person who desires to have more when he has enough as being greedy is against the scriptures because Mathew 13:12 says ‘whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them’. When you have, you must desire to have more lest you lose the little you have. Therefore God is pleased when a person desires to have more. Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something. Greed is when someone always wants to have more to satisfy his lusts. Not all wealthy people operate in this level. Many wealthy people I know are the most generous givers and create big corporates that empowers nations.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

God has been good with this book of mine. It is still doing good in the market.