Sunday, November 12, 2017

The desire to be wealthier when you are wealthy is not greed

The desire to be wealthier when you are wealthy is not greed

Wealthy people possess an interest in the process of wealth creation. Instead of them being content with the wealth they currently have, they keep leaning and try to find new ways to become wealthier. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the importance of being wealthier may try to associate their hunger to accumulate more as greed. Classifying a person who desires to have more when he has enough as being greedy is against the scriptures because Mathew 13:12 says ‘whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them’. When you have, you must desire to have more lest you lose the little you have. Therefore God is pleased when a person desires to have more. Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something. Greed is when someone always wants to have more to satisfy his lusts. Not all wealthy people operate in this level. Many wealthy people I know are the most generous givers and create big corporates that empowers nations.

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