What you do during your youth days has a direct impact to
your future. How are you spending your youth years? Are you spending your days
being pleasure driven, sleeping in late because of your constant time spend on
social networks? Or do you read books, learn a new skill, and make value adding
Our culture sets low expectations for young people. But God
wants the best for you – and that involves raising your expectations so you can
live how God created you to live. You don’t have to wait until you get older to
live to the fullest for God. You can and should start doing so now, while
you’re young.
Re-arrange you’re life and begin to live above expectations.
The expectation of the world about you is that you should have fun because
being young is fun. The only thing that the world won’t tell you is that you
will have to account for all those wasted years in the future.
Do the best for yourself by investing in You. May the You of
tomorrow be better than the You of today. Change your thinking. Have a
different attitude towards life in general- especially to money. Your
relationship with money will affect your relationship with others.
Don’t allow to be programmed to do as others do. Don’t copy
but crop. Crop all that is not desired. Do only the things that will cause You to
step further ahead. Add value to your life and you will cherish the path you
have already passed. Don’t give up in life. Life is not for people who can’t
see a way when there is no way. Life believes in itself- so must you believe in
You. Above all, have faith in God and do as he says.