Thursday, August 6, 2015

Do you celebrate average or persist to grow?

All of us can easily find a comfort zone. We can settle and think we have achieved. We can convince ourselves that we are satisfied with the status core. Once a person reaches that point, growth stops. During those early years when I was working in the South African Navy as a Naval officer I met a person who grew and lived in Durban but did not have an idea where the sea was. The person goes shopping in town on a regular basis, the North Coast is less than a kilometre away but he simply did not care to know what was happening in his backyard.

To live your life this was is to celebrate average. It is to settle in mediocrity. If you want to get a fulfilled destiny you must grow. I know learning goes against the gains of many people. For example, if I can ask 100 people how many books they have read on their own since leaving school, I bet only a few out of a 100 would say have read more than 10 books in a year.

Our culture is to celebrate and make a big party when one finishes his diploma or degree. We do that and I did that also. But you need to come to realization that all this qualifications are foundational. You are not done yet! You can’t celebrate and say “I am finished with studying”. Such thinking will never take you any higher than average. Therefore dedicate your life to learning and personal growth. The happiest people are only those who are growing every day. The only way to improve the quality of your life and your surroundings is to improve yourself. 
Having said all this you must add the fear of the Lord as the bible says “the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.


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